I'm currently teaching groups online - nothing in-person - with the technology Zoom. I do miss my in-person work but have so thoroughly enjoyed learning a new skill and technology during this time. My virtual groups are with a variety of people from the internet newbies to the seasoned pro. One seasoned pro knocked my socks off the first night of class. Let me tell you how! As the little square Zoom boxes began to register on my screen, I was presented with one square that was a scene from a gym. Weight benches and weights, treadmills and exercise balls. I was impressed by this new student. He had brought his computer to the gym for his workout. Then I thought more about it and became quite confused. What is he doing at the gym? Wasn’t he in the group because he was new to exercise? Why isn't he practising physical distancing? Well maybe its okay, I don't see anyone else around. Low and behold, I was duped. He wasn't at a gym but at home in his office with a Zoom virtual background that made him look like he was! Duh! I can only laugh at myself for being so confused! Yet, the true message is 'fake it, til you make it'.
Or a better way to refer to this is… Act as if… He was supporting his goal to be physically active by placing himself where he thinks he should be - the gym. How often do we support ourselves with that kind of behaviour? What would it look like if we acted as if we are a physically active person? What does that mean to you? Would you "see" yourself going out for walks, joining friends for a Pilates class (maybe online for now) or simply participating in the plethora of online exercise videos? I am a firm believer in seeing yourself how you want to be. I've spent years using visualization techniques to help me "see" my goals and achievements (more on that another day!). Green screen - yes, that’s how you can set yourself in a virtual gym at home too - and all. What is ONE new thing you can do for yourself today to act as if you are a physically active person? Demonstrate to your brain what you want it to believe. Seeing is believing! Stay well and happy moving, Lisa
'If you happen to open this email bright and early this fine Sunday morning, I will be at the yoga studio teaching the first of four workshops on anatomy to a brand new yoga teaching training group. Anatomy anyone? I'm talking bones, muscles, nerves and joints with my skeleton model, Normaste. You got it, namaste but with the name Norm! LOL! So after all my workshop prep this week, I jumped on my mat and recorded my own practice! I just acquired some new tech toys and thought why not give them a whirl. Nothing fancy here. Dare I say I simply put my mat down and started to record. Pretty cool just to let go of my perfectionist ways and just go with it. So here we have it. A 30 minute home yoga practice to do with me…in my living room. Roll out your mat and move with me. Click the image and it's all yours. Try it sitting in a chair or only do the parts that work for your body. Practice what is perfect for you! I'd love to hear what you think. Did you like this practice? It sure gave me a boost from having my head swirling with anatomy terms and jargon.
Let me know how it goes for you by commenting below. Connect back to your breath and see where it takes you. A little bit goes a long way. Stay well and happy moving, Lisa A quick note this week to share with you a video I made last year for The Why I Move Project. As I noted in last week's note, it is remarkable how the seasons are changing. We are transitioning from summer into Fall and this video seemed fitting! Here is my video talking about three ways to transition your summer physical activity into Fall physical activity. I encourage you to get creative with what physical activity worked over the summer and how it needs to morph and change for the cooler days ahead. And once you've done that, you may enjoy these articles about change.
8 Active Summer Habits Worth Maintaining Through Fall How to Change a Habit for Good Exercise Changed This Neuroscientist’s Life And Now She Wants To Change Yours Stay well and happy moving, Lisa Have you noticed the days are getting just a little bit shorter? The nights where light is in the sky until bedtime are no more! We are moving into a new season and change is upon us. Speaking personally, change has already begun. The kids are off to school (wearing their masks, of course) and new routines are being formed. New routines can be hard at times especially when we are faced with our own unique circumstances. The great joy and challenge of my work is helping people with change and recognizing that some individuals' health conditions or situations can be challenging. One in fact that can be very hard is when dealing with mental health issues. This of course can range from low mood, depression and/or anxiety which can show up and influence our lives in different ways. As you may already be well aware, physical activity is a tool that can be used to help manage mental health issues. Although science has demonstrated great benefit, the ACTION step to get started can definitely be difficult if not out right hard for individuals dealing with mental health concerns.
In scenarios when I've been supporting those with mental health issues, I had to strategize and brainstorm with them ways to help even get over the road block of starting. This is where small steps count - literally! Although as little as 10 minutes of physical activity provides benefit, we may start with a 2.5 minute walk away from home or around our house and an equally long walk back. It may be 5 minutes but trying something for a short period - giving it a try - can be the first step to moving. I call it the 5 minute out and back rule. Small? Yes. Worth it? Some may say no but I'd say yes! Possible? Just maybe. And just maybe the time passes and the walk turns into more than 5 minutes. It is in the small steps that a habit can form and the benefits listed in the above infographic may start to show up! Many people have looked at me with surprise and say, "oh, I can do more than 5 minutes." It is in those statements that I know there is possibility. There is something there, a glimmer of hope and self-care. We can see big things that we want to achieve but starting small can be one of the best ways to get started. Everything counts. It is all worth it. And as we move into darker days, both in terms of daylight and potentially in our own season of life, look to the small things that might just reap big rewards in the end. Remember the 5 minute out and back rule as it may be just what you need to start your small steps into improved physical and mental health. Here are a couple resources to help you with your small steps: Anxiety: how to stay safe when active Sweat is the best antidepressant: But where do we go from here? Stay well and happy moving, Lisa |
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