If you don't know already, I love how much exercise impacts our health. I could go on and on about the impacts and you can read more about that here and here. So when this particular article crossed my desk this week, I could not not share it (double negative, right!?) A team of researchers reviewed health data of over 81,000 patients between the ages of 42 to 78. And no surprise to me, they found the many health benefits that exercising provided to their sample population. Working in healthcare and the healthcare system, outcomes matter. The big outcome that is so important to the healthcare system is hospitalization. Amazingly the data also showed that people who exercised for at least 20 minutes per day stayed out of the hospital. Exercise is an effective and non-pharmaceutical intervention that keeps you healthy! And away from the emergency department. Yes! It's it great to be able to take care of yourself! I sure think so. Now decide, what is the structured physical activity (aka exercise) that you will do for at least 20 minutes today? Walking Swimming Cycling Yoga Tai Chi Pilates Climbing your stairs Body weight resistance exercise Dancing Cleaning your house All of these activities are great ways to get your body moving without too much preparation and effort! Know your limit and stick within it too. In terms of intensity, of course.
Stay well and happy moving, Lisa Like the data? Here is the actual journal article about the research project. I 💗 data!
Is there something in the water? This week many clients came to see me with jaw pain. Jaw pain, sometimes linked with neck pain. Lucky for these clients, I've been taking a new course this month all about breathing. You may wonder, what does breathing have to do with jaw pain? The function of your mouth and jaw is directly related to the function of your airway. When your jaw moves well, your breathing is better. And vice versa. The two go hand in hand. So when jaw pain came up this week as a query, I had a new tool to share. The movement and breathing technique takes us back to elementary school. We use it day to day when speaking and don't think much of it. It is the long vowel sounds. Remember those? A E I O U The vowels are saying their names!
Even if you don't think you have jaw pain, this little series of movements can both benefit your jaw and your breathing. Let's try it out for size. Find a comfortable position either standing or sitting. Take a deep breath in. Exhale while saying the long A sound. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Then take a breath in and exhale with the long E sound. You get the drift. Continue the cycle of inhale and exhale with the long vowel sounds. Finish a total of five breaths, ending with the long U sound. It only takes five inhales and five exhales to complete. Maybe a minute of your day! Then go back to your regular breathing pattern. What do you notice? Has anything shifted in your jaw? Which vowel flowed out the easiest? the most strained? Which vowel would you pick? Feel free to repeat up to two to three more times. Notice how your breathing may also shift and how you feel. Who knew the power of the alphabet!? 🤐 Do it in private if you are conscious about what sounds come out. 😲 Do it in front of a mirror to watch your jaw in action. 🌅 Do it in the morning to start your day. Anytime you need to find some ease, give this movement and breathing exercise a try! I'd love to hear how it goes. Drop me a line by simply replying to this email to let me know what shows up for you! Welcome back the forgotten long vowels! Stay well and happy moving, Lisa P.S., Know someone with jaw and/or neck pain who would benefit from this content? Send them a link to this post and be sure to have them sign up for the weekly newsletter that will land directly in their inbox every week! I'm sure you have heard that February is heart month. I decided to jump on the bandwagon and share with you a simple and nurturing heart practice with you this week. I know when I take care of myself (and my heart), I can take care of others. Take some time this coming week to send some love to not only your loved ones but to yourself too. Put your best heart forward! Stay well and happy moving, Lisa 💗 P.S. And if you need more, check out my special Valentine's Day message! |
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January 2025
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