As we move into the latter half of December and inch closer to the new year, we may find ourselves struggling to fit everything into our schedules. Ribbons here. Wrapping paper there. Mailbox filling with well wishes and a reminder that I haven't got my cards out yet!!! I invite you to hit pause. Pause to the busyness. Pause to the overwhelm. Pause for yourself. It will all get done. One way or the other. Or at least the parts that do truly matter. More importantly, how do you want to show up as we close 2021? If you need a break, I invite your to take your pause with me. Here is a 30 minute standing Hatha yoga practice. You need nothing except your device, maybe a mat and and open mind. No need to get down on the floor or sit (but please do if you need to). Take this opportunity to hit pause before the new year. Wishing you and your family a blessed holiday season. May you look to the new year with a fresh and optimistic view. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you are interested in private sessions with me in the coming year. My private practice only has a few spots and I would be honoured to work with you. I am here to help you move more and more better. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay well and happy moving, Lisa
In preparation of the busyness of the holiday season, consider this idea. How can you make your day harder? Not drop down, all out hard. But if you are doing something already, why not do just a bit more. For example, it was suggested to me in a recent workshop to add bookends to my day. Bookends? Yes, bookends. Purposefully starting the day (or activity) with a beginning and with a specific end. Working from home essentially bleeds into my day to day home life. Can you relate? So instead act as if you are going to work. Recall taking transportation to work? The car ride to and from work was/is the bookends. Now I'm not going to jump in my car (my winter transportation option to work) but instead I'm adding a walking commute. What does that look like? Well, I walk the boys to school every morning. But instead of turning back and heading back home, I'm choosing to walk around the block before I head home. Essentially adding my walk to work. I've slowly built a bookend at the beginning of my day. It is a 10 minute maximum walk which equates to about 1000 steps. Over the five daily walks that is an additional 5000 steps to add to my week! Yes for the win! 🙌🏼 When I arrive home my brain and body is refreshed. I've walked by some nature (trees, the occasional rabbit run in). I've possibly enjoyed a conversation or two with my Canada Post mail carrier or neighbour. And I've made my day a little bit harder. Have I perfected it? Nope. My bookend at the end of the day doesn't exist…yet. Work in progress. For some more inspiration, watch this whiteboard presentation by Dr. Mike Evans. If you enjoyed this type of video, feel free to peruse his YouTube Channel. His whiteboard presentations are evidence based health promotion videos that you can surely learn from. Hit reply to this email and let me know how you currently make your day hard and/or how you plan to do so. Stay well and happy moving, Lisa P.S., Speaking of 10 minute walks, if you haven't signed up for my online course, Top 3 Problems with Outdoor Walking: A detailed guide to the unexpected tips about outdoor walking, this free online course can help you jump start your walking! 👌🏼 If you have done the course already, head back into the course with a new perspective and complete the goal setting worksheet or the walking route journal again. There is always an opportunity for a fresh perspective! |
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