Is there someone in the world you want to meet?
I’ve always thought to myself that ONE day I would like to meet Wayne Dyer. Maybe at one of his talks or workshops. I have always appreciated his writing and views on the world. His teachings have helped me out of some unhealthy situations and I wanted to thank him for his ever inspiring advice. Well, that dream (yes - it was a daydream!) will not come true. In August of 2015, Wayne Dyer passed away suddenly. The same thing happened again this week. I experienced the same disappointment in realizing that I wouldn’t meet another person who was on my “meeting list”. Let me explain... I picked up my recently arrived Yoga Association of Alberta newsletter. Hot of the press, I scanned through the pages to see what I had to look forward to once I found some time to read. On first flip through, I missed it. Yet, on my second pass through, it caught my eye. The “it” was a half page notice indicating the death of one of the most recognized modern yoga teachers in the world. TKV Desikachar Just to the left of me sit his book, The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice. It was probably purchased 6 months ago or more and it sits and waits for me. I suppose the rational person in me realizes that Desikachar was in his later years of life and at the rate of my “formal” yoga certification (read: slow) I probably would not have a realistic chance to learn from this man. I had been wanting to learn more about the history of his life and what I currently know is that he is part of the T. Krishnamacharya lineage. T. Krishnamacharya is is father. Disappointing. Saddening. Yes. Silver lining… It is quite likely that I will someday have a chance to learn from him. It might just be from his books and other teachers who have trained in his lineage. But what he shared with the world still lives. As with Wayne Dyer, his message, his legacy is still available to me anytime, any place. The beauty of the world we now live in. With all this being said, my weekly morning practice continues with some struggles. I Am Awake seemed like a helpful practice to start the day with. It was a simple practice that was slow and purposeful. During practice, my mind drifted to the future (which is never good when working on a yoga asana!) and I had to pull myself back in to the present moment. Mindfulness baby! Yet, with the current news of Desikachar’s passing, it hammers down the point of how important time is. Each moment comes and goes yet time is in some regards infinite. To more practice and learning, LW
9/16/2016 12:56:45 am
I have read few of your posts and found them pretty interesting and informative in terms of Yoga and Life. That's a great thing that you are spreading Yoga and its benefits with its mention in your life experiencing posts. From where have you got Yoga instructor training ? From India or somewhere else?
9/16/2016 09:37:10 am
Thank you so much for reading my blog! I'm on the journey of becoming a yoga instructor so I have no formal training, so to speak, to date. I've taken two university-level courses on yoga in the distant past but my blog is all about self-learning. My schedule doesn't allow for me to enroll in a teacher training program but hopefully soon!
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Aspiring Yoga TeacherI've practiced yoga since I was a pre-teen and have always found it to keep me centered. I will be a teacher one day and this is my journey to discover teaching and practice. Archives
April 2019